

Sekolah di HighScope merupakan tempat yang baik bagi anak - anak tumbuh menjadi anak yang kreatif dan cerdas. Pengalaman ini saya rasakan dengan melihat anak - anak saya KInanthi dan Kirana di umur yang sudah mampu menjadi pribadi yang mandiri. Salam hormat saya dan terima kasih sebesar - besarnya bagi seluruh teacher dan karyawan HIghScope Medan. See you next time. Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa selalu memberkahi kita semua. Amin.

Parent of Peter Jonathan Klein, graduants of High Scope Indonesia Preschool 2013

HighScope Indonesia, preschool Medan has been a wonderful place for our boy Peter. Our eldest graduated after 2 1⁄2 years at HighScope preschool program and he laid the foundation of working in groups and problem solving that has served him very well throughout his golden year. The method of facilitating a child's natural inclination to explore and understand the world around them that characterizes the approach has given him the insight to ask pertinent questions of his surroundings and the ability to discover the answers. The math, science, and language benefits of his education at HighScope Indonesia were apparent to him soon after starting his kindergarten school and have continued until now. However, more important, was the seamless integration of multiple cultures that occurred at HighScope Indonesia; he learned to work well with students and teachers from many other backgrounds. He recognizes the social skills and his self-confidence and comfort with surroundings through research and experimentation outside the classroom and even our youngest son is following a similar path. The boys together are amazingly kind and patient with one another. This credit goes to HighScope Indonesia background. He wasn't just learn to read, write, and do math; they also learn to ask, to experiment, to wonder and to try. They are taught, from the very beginning, that education is an adventure to take—fun, exciting, and most importantly, up to them.
Our gratitute to HighScope Indonesia for their welcoming environment, the talented and amazing teachers and staff, and their dedication to inspiring children. Peter is undoubtedly and enthusiast for attending school.

Parent of Fabian Grade 1 Class of 2013/2014 (Now joins in HighScope Jakarta)

I just understand what it means by “constructive learning”, Highscope believe that it is the best way to prepare the future leader. I do believe that the traditional way of learning is not enough for my children future challenges. That’s how I were raised. But I have no idea what the better way to do it either. See the link below

Parent of Sarah Theresia Chen, Grade 6 Class of 2012/2013

My daughter has enjoyed her time at HighScope and I know she will miss the school and the teachers. The teachers care so much for the children and really encourage them to achieve the learning outcomes. I would like to thank all the teachers and staff for all their support over the years, all were very helpful in making our daughter to be a more well rounded child and be more responsible young person.

Parent of Samuel Yakobus, Grade 6 Class of 2012/2013

"Semua Atas Anugrah Tuhan Yesus" Banyak sekali perkembangan positif yang saya lihat terhadap anak - anak saya. Mulai dari ECEP mereka sudah langsung kelihatan perkembangannya, mereka sudah memulai melakukan problem solving saat menghadapi masalah melalui dialog untuk mencari solusinya bersama. Saya juga banyak belajar dari mereka. Di rumah, mereka jadi lebih bertanggung jawab untuk clean - up barang - barang mereka sendiri, juga selalu berusaha mandiri.

Ellen Burhansjah Kho, Grade 6 Class of 2012/2013

Saya mendapatkan banyak pengalaman di Sekolah HighScope Indonesia Medan. Saya melakukan PBL (Project Based Learning), saya dan partner saya saling berkerjasama. Saya sangat menyukainya. Saya dapat belajar bagaimana cara melakukan presentasi dan bekerja secara tim bersama orang lain. Saat melakukan presentasi saya mendapatkan ilmu yang sangat banyak dimana saya lebih berani dan percaya diri di depan orang banyak.

Eric Timothy, Grade 6 Class of 2012/2013

Setelah belajar di HighScope untuk 4 tahun, opini saya tentang HighScope adalah sekolah yang bagus karena metode mengajar membuat murid – muridnya mengerti bagaimana mengerjakan lembar kerja dan paham akan tujuan pembelajaran. Semua guru di HighScope baik, mereka tidak pernah memukul dan menghukum murid – murid untuk mengerjakan sesuatu ataupun saat mereka melakukan kesalahan atau membuat masalah.

Kimberly Golda, Grade 6 Class of 2012/2013

I joined HighScope for about 3 years, and those 3 years are one of the best years I've ever had in studying. I truly enjoyed being HighScope student not just because of my friends, but also the environment, the education system and the teachers. I love PDR time where I learn to be creative. Since I enjoy writing and reading, I usually spent my times in writing or reading center. Sometimes my friends and I would chat while reading. It's fun! I think the most important thing about HighSc

Samuel Yakobus, Grade 6 Class of 2012/2013

I attended HighScope in 2007 - 2013. I started from grade K and ended my journey with HighScope midway through grade 6. In total, I have been there approximately 6 and a half years, which was a long time. During that time, HighScope had been a place where I met amazing friends whom I still meet them often. I learned many skills in English, Math, Science, Social Studies and Bahasa Indonesia subjects. I also learned about problem solving to solve conflicts occurred between friends. My most m